Friday 16 December 2016

Reverse Advent Calendar

Hedgehogs have been running a Reverse Advent Calendar. They have been thinking about families who can not afford to buy much not just at Christmas but all year round. So with the help of Mrs Clarke they have advertised in local papers and sent out letters home encouraging families to donate essentials for families who can not afford it.
The idea was rather than taking something from an advent calendar we would give instead. So each day we put an item of food or an hygiene item in an empty box so buy the end we have a selection of goods to donate.
Christmas is a time for giving and we decided to include others in this.
It didn't matter if you donated a box or one item all things were gratefully received.

The Swan nursery and Roydon Preschool also collected items and some of our children here at school went in the mini bus to collect it.

When Waveny food bank came to collect our donations they were very impressed and didn't even think it would all fit into their van!!

Thank you to all that got involved.

There are more photographs on the school Facebook site.

Our Special Visitor

Our special visitor

As part of our maths week we had a special visitor. A mathamagican held an assembly with the whole school and separate sessions with each year sets. The children had great fun, and they even learnt some maths without realizing.

Maths Week

Maths Week

The children had great fun doing loads of maths activities this week. One of their favorite was decorating biscuits. They had to try to make the pattern the same both sides.

Exciting gifts from an exciting visitor

We were all very excited about opening our gifts from Father Christmas. Mrs Clarke explained that our gifts were for Hedgehog class so we were all going to get to play with them in school.
We were thrilled with our real tools and are all started talking about what we would like to make?